The Amarillo MPO collaborates with local, county, and state officials to coordinate and develop transportation systems, ensuring effective planning, coordination of transportation modes, and proposing projects that meet the region’s transportation needs.

MPO Plan & Program Document Links

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is the 25-year document that outlines the state of current transportation, projects future needs, and offers projects and other methods for keeping the people and freight in the Amarillo MPO region moving efficiently. The MTP encompasses all aspects of transportation planning as well as transportation projects within the Amarillo region. Each local entity submits projects within their jurisdiction for possible inclusion into the MTP, and the Technical Advisory Committee and Transportation Policy Board prioritizes these projects based on the needs of the region. This plan is required to be updated every five years.

Amarillo MPO 2025-2050 MTP Plan

Amarillo MPO 2020-2045 MTP Plan

The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) provides descriptive and scheduling details for the MPO’s planning process. It serves as a base document for carrying on the continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process in the Amarillo urbanized area. The UPWP includes a 2-year budget plan for MPO planning dollars and outlines estimated planning funds to be received by the MPO over the 2-year planning period.

2025 Draft Unified Public Work Plan

2024 Unified Public Work Plan

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the four-year transportation planning document that includes a detailed listing of projects reasonably expected to begin construction within a four-year period. The TIP is updated every two years. Projects included in the TIP must also be included in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and are chosen based on regional priority and available funding.

TIP Public Notice

Drafted 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan

January 2024 TIP Transit Amendment

July 2023 TIP Highway Amendment

April 2023 TIP Transit Amendment

2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Plan

The UTP is the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT’s) 10-year plan that guides the development of transportation projects across the state. Organized into 12 funding categories, with each one addressing a specific type of work, the UTP authorizes the distribution of construction dollars expected to be available over the next 10 years.

Unified Transportation Program

The Amarillo Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is required by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) to publish or otherwise make available an annual listing of projects, including investments in pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities, for which federal funds have been obligated during the previous fiscal year. The listing shall include projects identified in the Amarillo Transportation Improvement Program. Obligated projects in this report are listed by Federal-Aid Project Number and include highways, transit, bicycle and pedestrian, and other grouped projects. This report provides an overview of the transportation planning and programming process.

Annual List of Projects — Fiscal Year 2022

The Public Participation Plan (PPP) serves as the official policy document and toolkit for board members, advisory committees, staff and the public.

The public engagement process begins and ends with citizens in mind. Amarillo MPO intentionally designed each section of this plan to connect with you, your points of view and interests, and your comments about specific transportation issues and concerns that may otherwise be unknown.

2023 MPO Public Participation Plan

The Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a systematic approach for managing congestion that provides accurate, up-to-date information on Transporation system performance and assess alternative strategies for congestion management that meet state and local needs. The CMP is intended to produce transportation system performance measures and congestion management strategies that can be reflected in the regional Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Amarillo MPO was recently designated as a Transportation Management Area (TMA); therefore, a CMP plan is required by November 2024.

Call MPO Office with any questions 806-378-4219.

Amarillo Congestion Management Process – November 2024

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity that receives Federal funds or other Federal financial assistance. As a recipient of Federal transportation funds, Amarillo MPO is required to create and implement a Title VI program for compliance purposes. The Title VI Plan provides an overview of the organization and details how the Title VI program will be implemented by the MPO.

Amarillo MPO Title VI 2022

AAIM serves as a framework for making the necessary improvements to achieve a truly multimodal network within the Amarillo MPO. This plan provides a blueprint for the regional transportation system and identifies points of interest, gaps, future needs, and strategies for meeting those needs. This plan takes a systematic look at the region’s street network and develop strategies for implementing new facilities that will accommodate vehicles, trucks, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit, and freight.

Amarillo Area Regional Multimodal Mobility Plan 2021

Bicycle & Pedestrian Toolbox – Amarillo Area in Motion 2021

Amarillo Area Regional Multimodal Mobility Plan Existing Conditions