The City of Amarillo Stormwater Quality Program’s goal is to protect the water quality within our watershed by regulating industries within the city limits that are required to address a Stormwater Permit by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).

Stormwater Quality Office Contact Information

Phone: 806-342-1528.

Industrial General Permit

The TCEQ issued the current Industrial General Permit (TXR050000) to regulate stormwater discharges from Industrial Facilities on July 16, 2021.

Multi-Sector General Permit TXR050000 (

Determining Regulation

The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes or North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes are the primary tools used to determine whether an industry should be regulated under the Industrial General Permit (TXR050000).

If your code is listed within the link below, and you have not addressed a Stormwater Permit, contact the City of Amarillo Stormwater Quality Office at 806- 342-1528, or a TCEQ Compliance Assistance Specialist at 806-353-9251.

SIC Codes Subject to TPDES Multisector General Permit TXR050000 (

No Exposure Certification (NEC)

Some Industries that are required to address a Stormwater Permit may qualify for a No Exposure Certification (NEC). Your facility may qualify for a Conditional No Exposure Exclusion from permit requirements if there is no exposure of industrial materials or activities to precipitation or runoff.

Conditional No Exposure Exclusion from Permit Requirements – Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (