To apply for Water & Sewer Taps:
806-378-6948 -
Contact Water Utilities for a line locate:
linelocator@amarillo.gov -
24/7 Water & Sewer Emergency Line:
806-378-6824 -
Simms Municipal Building
808 S Buchanan St
Amarillo, TX 79101
Erosion and Sediment Controls
At a minimum, all construction sites in Amarillo are required to implement erosion and sediment controls to prevent soil and contaminants from entering the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System — MS4.
The most common contaminant from construction runoff is sediment due to erosion. Erosion controls, such as barriers and sediment filters, are implemented to prevent soil and contaminants from construction sites entering the MS4. Erosion and sediment controls are fundamental measures for pollution prevention for construction site operators.
TXR150000 Permit Guidelines
- Explore information from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality — TCEQ for guidelines on when you are required to obtain a permit.
TXR150000 is the Construction General Permit.
If you are required to permit, you must do so through the Notice of Intent (NOI) process outlined in TXR150000.
Submittal of an NOI requires signed certifications, two of which are:
- Certification that the operator has a copy of TXR150000 and understands its terms and conditions.
- Certification that a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is developed and implemented prior to the commencement of construction activity.
State of Texas Construction Definitions
The State of Texas defines Commencement of Construction in TXR150000.
Commencement of Construction — The initial disturbance of soil associated with clearing, grading, or excavation activities, as well as other construction-related activities (e.g., stockpiling of fill material, demolition).
The State of Texas defines Construction Activity in TXR150000.
Construction Activity — Includes soil disturbance activities, including clearing, grading, and excavating, but does not include routine maintenance that is performed to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or the original purpose of the site (e.g., the routine grading of existing dirt roads, the routine clearing of existing right-of-ways, and similar maintenance activities). Regulated construction activity is defined in terms of small and large construction activity.
Regulated Construction Activities
Examples of TXR150000 regulated Large Construction Activity:
- Building a home on a lot as part of a Larger Common Plan of Development.
- Any construction activity where five or more acres will be disturbed.
Example of TXR150000 regulated Small Construction Activity:
- Construction activities that result in land disturbance of greater than one acre and less than five acres, which are not part of a Larger Common Plan of Development.
Additional Resources
- Notice of Intent (NOI) TCEQ: State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System —STEERS
- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Description of BMPs — Tier I Projects
City of Amarillo Stormwater Quality Office Contact Information
Phone: 806-342-1528
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Compliance Assistance Specialist Contact Information
Phone: 806-468-0535