The City of Amarillo Vital Statistics office provides birth certificates for individuals born in Texas and death certificates for Amarillo residents. Services are available online, by mail, or in person, with same-day options for in-person requests. We ensure secure and convenient access to these essential documents for eligible individuals.

birth record details

Who is eligible to order a Birth Certificate?
  • Self
  • Parents
  • Children of a registrant, over 18 years old 
  • Grandparents
  • Siblings over 18 years old
  • Spouse with the same last name, or must provide a certified marriage license or certificate

Note: You can only order 10 birth certificates in a lifetime. 

How to Request an Amarillo Birth Certificate

To request an Amarillo birth certificate, you can do so online (with an additional fee), by mail using the mail-in application, or in person for same-day service. Be sure to bring acceptable identification if requesting in person.

How to Request a Texas Birth Certificate

To request a Texas birth certificate from outside Amarillo, you can complete an original/long form request either online through the Vital Statistics Section (VSS) website or in person (at Amarillo City Hall).

The VSS manages vital records for Texas, including birth and death certificates, marriage applications, and divorce records. Processing may take three to six months, and there is a lifetime limit of 10 certificates per person.

Notice: Due to changing state laws, a county or city-issued birth certificate may not be accepted by DMV departments in some states. If your state requires a state-issued birth certificate, you can order from the State of Texas at .

Home Birth Certificates

If your child was born outside of a hospital or midwife setting, here’s what you need to know to obtain a birth certificate.

  • Midwife Assisted Births
    • The midwife will file the necessary paperwork with the state.
  • Doctor Assisted Births
    • The doctor will file the required documentation with the state.
  • In cases where the baby is taken to a doctor after birth, and the child was born alive:
    • The doctor will provide details such as the time of birth and any necessary documentation.
    • The registrar will file this information with the state.

For further assistance or clarification, please contact your doctor.

death record details

If you need a death certificate for someone who passed away in Amarillo, our department can assist with that request.

Who is eligible to order a Death Certificate?
  • Parents
  • Children over 18 years old 
  • Grandparents
  • Siblings over 18 years old
  • Spouse with the same last name, or must provide a certified marriage license or certificate
How to Request an Amarillo Death Certificate

To request an Amarillo death certificate, you can do so online (with an additional fee), by mail using the mail-in application, or in person for same-day service. Be sure to bring acceptable identification if requesting in person.

Acknowledgement of Paternity

In cases where the father is not listed on the birth certificate, certified services are available to add the father to the certificate. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 806-378-9344.

This service is available by appointment only. Appointments are held in a private office where the documents are signed.


Accordion Section HEading

Vital Statistics refer to official records of life events, including births and deaths.

The fee for a birth certificate is $23.00.

The fee for each search and/or certified copy of a death record is $21.00.

Additional certified copies of the same death record ordered at the same time on the same application are $4.00 each.

This fee is not refundable or transferable if the record requested is not found.

Acceptable forms of identification are listed on the Texas Department of State Health Services website. Ensure you bring required IDs when requesting a certificate.

Yes, we are a Remote Birth Access site. You can order certificates from any area of Texas.

Yes, qualified applicants can request certificates online. For additional information, please see visit the vital statistics page. 

Yes. Download the Mail-In Application and follow the instructions for submission. For additional information, please see visit the vital statistics page. 

No, due to changing state laws, a county-issued birth certificate may not be accepted. If your state requires a state-issued birth certificate, you can order from the State of Texas at

Birth records are confidential for 75 years, and death records are confidential for 25 years. Qualified applicants include the registrant, immediate family members, legal representatives, and designated law enforcement or governmental agencies.

For Texas Birth Certificates, if you come in person to City Hall with the proper ID and are qualified, you will receive the certificate the same day.

If you request an Amarillo or Texas Birth Certificate or an Amarillo Death Certificate online or through the mail, those applications are processed daily. If your application is approved, your Amarillo Birth or Amarillo Death certificate will be sent out through U.S. Postal Service within two business days. Additional time will be required for delivery by the U.S. Postal Service.

Online processing time may vary. 

As of February 11th, 2025, Vital Stats. has moved to the first floor of the new Amarillo City Hall, located at 623 S. Johnson.