Special Event Guidelines
Hosting a Special Event in Amarillo
Planning a public event? Many gatherings in Amarillo are classified as “special events,” requiring coordination with city departments to ensure safety, compliance, and accessibility. If your event includes street closures, large crowds, food vendors, amplified sound, or any setup on city property (like parks or public spaces), it likely qualifies as a special event and needs a permit.
Whether it’s a festival, parade, race, or block party, our goal is to make your event as safe and successful as possible. Use the Special Event Application and follow the steps below to get started.
Applying for a Special Event
1. Start Your Application
- Complete the Special Event Application: This form initiates the planning process and is reviewed by relevant departments to ensure a smooth experience. Fill it out completely to avoid delays.
- Schedule a Free Planning Meeting: Email ehealth@amarillo.gov or call 806-378-9472 to set up a meeting where you’ll review guidelines, permitting requirements, and other key details for your event.
Six Steps for a Safe and Successful Event
STEP 1: Prepare Key Information and Documents
- Event Basics: Define location, dates, times, and estimated attendees.
- Health and Safety: Describe your plans for medical care, sanitation, and safety standards.
- Emergency Contacts: List emergency contacts for event personnel.
STEP 2: Obtain Permissions and Permits
Each event may have unique requirements, so consult with relevant departments to ensure compliance. Refer to “Event Types and Requirements” for additional details. Meeting with Environmental Health is recommended to ensure your requirements are met.
STEP 3: Traffic and Parking Plan
Designate clear parking areas and routes, and plan for potential weather-related disruptions.
STEP 4: Health and Safety Measures
Plan for emergencies (medical and large-scale) and crowd control. For events with alcohol, ensure proper supervision for minors.
STEP 5: Safe Booth and Cooking Area Setup
- Booths should have coverings, single entrances, and safe distances between heat sources and flammable items.
- Keep grills, smokers, or other heat-producing equipment at least 10 feet away from flammable items and people.
- Use proper screening or air curtains to protect food and drinks from contamination, especially in areas where food is being prepared or served.
STEP 6: Plan Event Services
Coordinate electricity, restrooms, waste disposal, security, and trash collection with the appropriate city departments.
Department Roles in Special Events
- Environmental Health: Ensures food safety compliance.
- Building Safety: Reviews and issues permits for event structures.
- Fire Marshal: Oversees fire safety compliance.
- Parks & Recreation: Manages reservations and event guidelines for public spaces.
- Traffic and Transit: Coordinates road closures, traffic control, and transit adjustments.
- Airport — Handles special event applications for events held at the airport or in the vicinity of the airport
Event Types & Requirements

Public Gatherings & Celebrations
Detailed Requirements
Public Gatherings and Celebrations: Apply for necessary permits at least 30 days in advance.
- Departments: Environmental Health, Building Safety, Fire Marshal, Parks & Recreation
- Requirements: Safety plans, food handling approvals, and specific permits for tents, signage, and temporary street closures.
Required Documents:
- Building Safety Permits — MGO Connect (Registration required)
- Tents 200+ square feet or more (two tents connected count as one)
- Hardwired temporary electrical service
- Signage external to event
- Note: Generators must be GFCI protected
- Fire Marshal Operational Permit
- Park Permit- Rules & Regulations
- Sight Restriction Flyer
- Temporary Food Establishment Checklist
- Temporary Food Establishment Permit Application
- Temporary Street Closure
- If at or near airport:
- Airport Special Event Application

Festivals & fairs
Detailed Requirements
Festivals and Fairs: Submit the festival application and required documents 30 days in advance.
- Departments: Environmental Health, Fire Marshal, Parks & Recreation, City Management
- Requirements: Street closure petition, location and traffic plans, liability insurance, and security plans.
Required Documents:
- Festival Application
- Property Owners Petition for Street Closure
- Sight Restriction Flyer

Parades, Fun Runs, and Caravans
Detailed Requirements
Parades, Fun Runs, and Caravans: Secure street closure permits and crowd management plans at least 30 days in advance.
- Departments: Parks & Recreation, Traffic, Police Department
Required Documents:
- Parade/Run Application
- Sight Restriction Flyer
- Temporary Street Closure

Food Truck Events
More Info
Food Truck Events: Obtain health permits and safety inspections.
- Departments: Environmental Health, Fire Marshal
Required Documents:
- Environmental Health Mobile Food Establishment Guidelines
- Temporary Food Establishment Application
- Fire Marshal Operational Permit
- Fire Marshal Food Truck Safety Guidelines
Fire Marshal Food Truck Inspection Request

block parties
More Info
Block Parties: Submit the application and street closure petition 14 days in advance.
- Departments: Traffic, Police Department
Required Documents:
- Block Party Application
- Property Owners Petition for Street Closure