- purchasing.email@amarillo.gov
- 806-378-3028
623 S Johnson St
1st Floor | Suite 1300
Amarillo, TX 79101 -
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Discontinuing use of Public Purchase
The City of Amarillo will be discontinuing use of Public Purchase and will be utilizing Bonfire. All solicitations posted prior to June 3, 2024. will follow the hard-copy process.
NIGP Codes
NIGP codes are standardized classification codes used to identify products and services, ensuring proper alignment with our system. Select the appropriate NIGP codes that align with your business profile. If you are an existing platform member, you can use your current credentials for seamless access to our services.
Questions or Support
For questions or support when using the platform, please access the online knowledge base, search the FAQs, or contact the Bon-fire Support Team at support@gobonfire.com.