Guided by resident input and the Amarillo Comprehensive Plan, this vision focuses on fostering strong neighborhoods, boosting economic development, and improving transportation. Dive into featured projects, collaborative efforts, and the shared goals shaping a brighter future for North Heights.
- 806-378-6290
Planning Department
Simms Municipal Building
Second Floor
808 S. Buchanan
P.O. Box 1971
Amarillo, TX 79101 -
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
explore the vision for north heights
North Heights is an integral element of Amarillo’s long-range planning. These plans spark positive transformation by directing public investment and fostering unity within the community. Crafted with input from residents, these plans mold the future of our neighborhood as part of the Amarillo Comprehensive Plan. Dive into ongoing projects and the collaborative endeavors enriching the North Heights community.
Featured Projects
- Creative Crosswalks — Seven colorful crosswalks will be installed with school mascots and messages of neighborhood pride in Summer 2024.
- Streetlight Installation — Twenty new streetlights will be installed on the select locations — Summer 2025.
Focus Areas and Goals:
Strong Neighborhoods: Develop and maintain mixed-income housing, promote affordable housing, increase homeownership, and rehabilitate properties. Preserve historic heritage, enhance livability, and foster a sense of community and safety.
Economic Development: Support economic diversity, identify redevelopment areas, and align resources for growth. Focus on key corridors for infrastructure improvements.
Transportation: Improve public rights-of-way, enhance lighting, and increase connectivity through multimodal transportation.
north heights advisory board roster
- Melodie Graves – President
- Dana Brandon-Woods – Vice President
- James Allen – Treasurer
- Shirley Ford – Secretary
- Julian Reese
- Joseph Peterson
- Wanda Nelson
- Issac Butler
- Kim Crocket
- Hobert Brown
- Joe Young