The Amarillo Area Public Health District is responsible for permitting and inspecting septic systems in Potter and Randall Counties. The Environmental Health Department serves as the Permitting Authority for these counties, employing licensed Designated Representatives through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). This authority is granted by County Order in both Potter and Randall Counties. The standards for permitting, installing, and operating OSSFs are governed by Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 285.

Since the late 1970s, the Health District has ensured that on-site sewage facilities (OSSF) provide a safe method of sewage disposal without harming people or the environment.

How to access Online Septic Records - eBridge Instructions

The Amarillo Public Health District uses a web-based system — eBridge — to store and provide public access to septic system permits. Permits are uploaded to eBridge after a system is approved and passes inspection. Search for septic records for Potter and Randall Counties on eBridge.

Historical permits are available if documentation exists. If you cannot find a record, email an inquiry to for assistance. Public record requests may take up to 10 days to process.

Follow instructions below to log in to search septic records for Potter and Randall counties:

  • Go to
  • Click on Customer Login
  • Username: public
  • Password: publicuser
  • File Cabinet: AMARILLOEH
  • Once logged into the system, click on retrieve (upper left corner) to search Potter/Randall County septic tank permits

 Additional Guidance:

  • A search can be conducted by entering values in any of the provided search fields (permit #, Street Number, Street Name, Owner Name, County, Sub Division, Block #)
  • A general word or number search can also be conducted by utilizing the “Text Search”
  • The “Scan Date” search function is solely the date the record was scanned into eBridge and not the date of installation
  • Once you have located the record, click on the “view” icon on the left-hand side of the row to view the record. *Please be aware that multiple records may return for a single property
  • Once you are viewing the record, you may download, print or email from the top left corner
911 Address Request Applications

Every property with an On-Site Sewage Facility must have a 9-1-1 assigned address. Additional addresses may be required for multiple buildings on the property, especially if they operate as businesses or multi-unit residential dwellings.

All lots within Amarillo City Limits and the 5-mile ETJ must be assigned addresses by the City Building Safety Department. Complete the Address Request Application or call the Building Safety Department at 806-378-3041 for more information.

Within Potter and Randall Counties the Potter-Randall 9-1-1 Emergency Communications District is the addressing authority outside the five-mile ETJ (Extra Territorial Jurisdiction) of the city of Amarillo, Texas.

To request an address, complete the required “Request an Address” form or contact Potter Randall County Emergency Communications District at 806-374-9800 ext. 109

On-site Sewage Facility FAQs
Yes, a permit is required when installing, repairing, replacing, or altering an OSSF in Potter or Randall counties. For properties with a private water well, the minimum lot size is 1 acre, and for those with a public water supply, it’s ½ acre. Exceptions may apply for properties platted before 1988.

Homeowners can install or repair their OSSF if it serves their single-family residence, but they must submit a permit application and required documents to the City of Amarillo Environmental Health Department. The installation must meet TAC 30 Chapter 285 requirements. A licensed installer is required for rental properties, leased dwellings, or commercial operations.

Complete the On-Site Sewage Facility Application and submit it with all required documents via email to, in person at 808 S Buchanan St, or by mail to PO BOX 1971, Amarillo, TX 79105. Permit fees must be paid at the time of submission.

Required documents for an On-Site Sewage Facility may vary depending on the facility type but typically include:

  • A scaled site plan showing the property layout and planned OSSF location
  • A detailed floor plan (number of bedrooms, living area, commercial layout)
  • A site evaluation report completed by a licensed Site Evaluator

Call the Environmental Health Department at 806-378-9472, Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, the day before the desired inspection. Have the On-Site Sewage Facility address, permit number, and whether the installer will be on-site during the inspection.

A vicinity map is required for properties over 5 acres to help determine the OSSF location on large properties.

After meeting all requirements, an Authorization to Construct (ATC) is issued, valid for one calendar year. The OSSF must pass inspection within this time. If the ATC expires without inspection, a new permit must be applied for. The operational permit is issued after inspection and does not expire, provided the OSSF is used as approved.

Every property with an On-Site Sewage Facility must have a 9-1-1 assigned address. Additional addresses may be required for multiple buildings on the property, especially if they operate as businesses or multi-unit residential dwellings.

A commercial facility includes anything other than a single-family residence or duplex, as defined in TAC 30 Chapter 285.

A variance is needed if the On-Site Sewage Facility cannot meet TAC 30 Chapter 285 requirements. A variance application and justification from a Professional Sanitarian or Engineer must be submitted, ensuring equal or greater protection is maintained.

A plat is required for properties less than 5.01 acres within the Amarillo ETJ or less than 10.01 acres outside the Amarillo ETJ. Contact the office to check if a plat exemption applies. A re-plat may be necessary if the property has been subdivided.

Planning materials from a Professional Engineer or Registered Sanitarian are required for:

  • Multi-residential dwellings (e.g., duplexes, triplexes)
  • RV parks or mobile home parks with more than two units
  • OSSFs in flood zones or floodways (PE design required)
  • Commercial operations discharging high-strength wastewater (e.g., food establishments)