The Building Safety Department provides permitting for building & remodeling projects done within the Amarillo city limits.
- 806-378-3041
- 806-378-3085
Simms Municipal Building
808 S Buchanan St
Suite 104
Amarillo, TX 79101 -
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Building Safety quick links

MGO Connect - Permitting Portal
The City of Amarillo Building Safety issues all permits and contractor licensing electronically. The department utilizes a software system – My Government Online Connect – MGO Connect — for permitting applications and tracking permits.

mgo connect support & information
Want to learn more about MGO Connect including what MGO Connect is, how to access the permitting portal, and details about how to get MGO assistance? Visit the MGO Connect page for helpful information.

Building Safety Issued permits & monthly reports
View City of Amarillo issued monthly building reports and building permits for construction projects. Dates range from 2008 to current.

City of Amarillo Permit Search Tool
Looking for a Permit? Utilize the Permit Search Tool by searching by Applicant Name.

Panhandle Residential Foundation Manual 2017
A comprehensive guide developed to provide guidance and standards for the design and construction of residential foundations in the Panhandle region. It outlines the requirements, procedures, and best practices for ensuring that residential foundations are built to withstand the geological and environmental conditions of the Panhandle.
How do I apply for an address?
To apply for an address within Amarillo City Limits or the 5-mile Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) fill out the Address Request Application and include all applicable documents.
Return the fully completed application and all required documents to Building Safety.
- Email:
- Fax: 806-378-3085
New Address Requirements
Site Drawing
Provide a site drawing or aerial photo (accepted as long as they are clear and easy to read) showing the lot to be addressed in relation to other lots in the area. For large lots outside the city, include a vicinity drawing indicating nearest cross streets. If the property has frontage on two roadways (corner), please indicate on the drawing which roadway the driveway connects to (required).
Legal Description
- Include lot, block, and addition for platted lots, or section, block, and survey for non-platted lots.
Additional Information
- Any other details aiding location identification, such as neighboring addresses or P.R.A.D. tax parcel number, will expedite your application.
- A survey may meet all requirements. For lots less than five acres, it must be platted by the Planning Department before an address can be issued. A survey, done by a state registered surveyor, will be required. Call 806-378-6290 for information.
Address Range
- Most bare land addresses larger than a single residential building lot will be in the form of an address range. If you need an address for a specific building, you will need to submit a dimensioned site plan, showing the size and location of the building on the lot.
Lot Dimensions
- Dimensions of the lot are required.
Access to Public Street
- All addressed lots must have access to a public street or highway, either through a recorded easement or by plat.
Contact Information
- Contact information for the person requesting an address is required.
- The names of the owner and resident, if different, need to be provided.
For assistance or questions regarding addressing, call the Building Safety Department at 806-378-3041 and ask to speak with a Plans Examiner.
Do I need a permit?
R 105.1 Required
Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit.
Further, code compliance is required per section 101.2 of the 2105 IRC, which states:
R 101.2 Scope.
The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration, relocation, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, maintenance, removal and demolition of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures.
For more information on what does not requires a permit, view the Work Exempt from Obtaining a Permit.
What do I need to be licensed as a contractor with Building Safety?
Read through the following table to see requirements for being licensed as a contractor with the City of Amarillo Building Safety Department. For more information, contact Building Safety 806-378-3041.
Contractor Licenses | State License Required | City License | Annual City License Fee | Surety Bond Required | General Liability Insurance |
General | No | Yes | Yes | None | None |
New Residential | No | Yes | Yes | None | None |
Residential Remodel | No | Yes | Yes | $20,000 | None |
Additional Requirements for Building Demo | No | Any of the Above | Any of the Above | Lot Clearance Bond* | Yes* |
Electrical | Yes | Yes | No | None | Minimum State Required |
Glass & Glazing | No | Yes | Yes | None | $500,000.00 |
HVAC A or B | Yes | Yes | None | None | Minimum State Required |
Insulation | No | Yes | Yes | $20,000 | $300,000 |
Landscape Irrigator or Irrigator Tech | Yes | Yes | Yes | $10,000 | None |
House Moving | No | Yes | Yes | $10,000 | None |
Plumbing | Yes | Yes | None | None | Minimum Sate Required |
Plumbing w/Med Gas Endorsement | Yes | Yes | None | None | Minimum Sate Required |
Commercial Roofing | No | Yes | Yes | $20,000 | $1,000,000 |
Residential Roofing | No | Yes | Yes | $20,000 | $300,000 |
Sign Contractor Electrical | Yes | Yes | No | None | Minimum Sate Required |
Sign Cont. Non-Electrical | No | Yes | Yes | $10,000 | None |
Swimming Pool, Spa Contractor | No | Yes | Yes | $10,000 | None |
Water Treatment Equip. Install | Yes | Yes | Yes | $10,000 | None |
If a bond is required, you will need to provide the form that is available through your insurance agency.
How do I apply for a contractor license with the Building Safety?
You will need to apply for a contractor license through our MGO permitting software. You will need to make sure to have all your documentation ready to upload to your application. Once Building Safety has reviewed your application & documentation, they will invoice the fees. You will receive an email letting you know the fees are ready to pay. Once you have paid the invoice your license will be issued, and you can begin applying for permits.
Can a homeowner get a permit?
You can apply for a permit for your residence if this address is listed as your homestead exemption with the Potter/Randall Appraisal District.
If you have any questions, please contact Building Safety at 806-378-3041.
How much does a permit cost?
Permit pricing varies due to the type of work being done. For current pricing, contact Building Safety.
Phone: 806-378-3041
Can I get an inspection today?
We schedule inspections for the next business day, however, if you are needing an inspection to get service (gas & electrical) turned on at an occupied residence, you can call our office to see if you can schedule an “After Hours Inspection”. An additional fee will apply.
What do I need to know about Temporary Electrical Service?
Requirements for Temporary Electrical Service
Hardwired Temporary Electrical Service
If temporary electrical service will be provided to the proposed site by XCEL Energy, have your electrician contact Building Safety at 806-378-3041 to obtain the required electrical permit.
Portable Temporary (Generator) service electrical current must be GFCI protected.
If you have any questions, please contact Building Safety at 806-378-3041
Do I need a permit for a Tent?
Permit Requirements for a Tent over 200 Square Feet
- The person installing the tents will be required to obtain a permit for each tent that is over 200 square feet.
- The permit should be applied for at least a week in advance of the event and a final inspection must be performed prior to the use of the tent.
- A clear space of 20’ (outside of any stakes) in width will be required around each tent/s, from property lines or adjacent structures. Fire extinguishers and “No Smoking” signs will be required.
Documentation Needed for a Tent over 200 Square Feet
- Building permit application
- Dimensioned site plan
- Layout (floor plan) of the tent
- Flame spread certificate for the tent(s) and whether the tent has sides
- Permit fees vary from year to year, please contact Building Safety for the most current information.
- If the final inspection occurs after hours or on weekends an additional fee is required, please contact Building Safety for the most current information.
First time getting a permit?
If this is your first time applying for a permit, we recommend visiting the Permitting Software Portal — MGO Connect — page for more information. If you need further assistance please contact Building Safety by emailing or by calling 806-378-3041.
What do I need to know about putting up a sign?
In order to put up a sign, follow the following guidelines.
- You must have a permit to put up a sign, you can apply for this permit through our permitting software. Annual Renewable Sign Permit Application.
- All signage must be secured to resist wind.
- Signs must be placed within the property boundaries (signs cannot be placed in the right of ways)
- Signs must be removed at the end of the event.
Where should I place my smoke/carbon monoxide detectors?
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms are required in ALL single-family homes when there is an attached garage OR fuel gas appliances are installed.
- A minimum of one (1) CO alarm is required at each sleeping area, outside the bedroom(s). Permanently installed (adhered to wall).
- Carbon Monoxide Alarm may be battery operated. Plug-in devices may be used if mounted permanently to wall.
- Carbon Monoxide alarms should be installed high on wall or ceiling immediately outside of sleeping areas.
- Carbon Monoxide alarms should not be installed in garages or areas of high humidity (bathrooms).
- Avoid placing the CO Alarm near air conditioning vents and filter grills. If no other location is possible, try to install the CO Alarm a few feet away from the grills.
- CO Alarms are usually inexpensive, most of our local suppliers will sell them starting around $20.00.
- To pass the final inspection a Carbon Monoxide Alarm will be installed. It is possible to have a combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarm.
This is a basic overview or simplified list of the requirements for permitted work. It is intended to aid contractors, suppliers, insurance adjusters, and homeowners with the more significant roofing questions.
Contact Building Safety for more information at 806-378-3041.
How can I request public information?
The Texas Public Information Act (sometimes called the Open Records Act) is in Texas Government Code chapter 552. It assures that all persons have equal access to public information held by the City of Amarillo.
To request public information, you can click the link below & choose “City Records Request”, you will need to create an account & submit your request.
Amarillo Public Records Center (
You can also submit your request by mail, fax, or email.
Mail: City of Amarillo, Building Safety Department
PO Box 1971, Amarillo TX 79105-1971
Fax: 806-378-3085
Please be sure to clearly describe what document or information you desire.
What is the Construction Advisory & Appeals Commission?
The Construction Advisory & Appeals Commission (CAAC) hears appeals of decisions of the Building Official and the Fire Marshal related to the enforcement of building, electrical, fire, HVAC, plumbing, and sign codes adopted by the City. The CAAC also determines whether alternate construction materials and methods, not otherwise approved by the codes or Building Official, are acceptable. As an advisory board the City Commission, the CAAC develops recommendations for the adoption of the new editions of the codes and for amendments to the same.
Temporary Sales Locations and Transient Business Licenses FAQs
If you are doing business in a temporary location, or from door-to-door, you need to know about the City of Amarillo’s Door-to-Door and Transient Business License.
Do I need a permit to buy/sell retail items in a parking lot?
If you have a fixed business location in the City of Amarillo, occupied by the same business for at least 30 consecutive days, you do not need a Transient Business License.
Your “fixed business location” may be a legitimate office in your home for a home occupation, provided that your home occupation is operated in compliance with city ordinances, otherwise a Transient Business License is required.
Any temporary business location must be zoned for the type of business you are operating, and you must have the property owner’s written permission to operate there.
In order to transact business door-to-door and you do not have a fixed business location within the city limits, you will need a Door-to-Door permit issued by the Police Department. Pick up an application from Police Department, 200 SE 3rd, Amarillo TX, 79101 (Front Desk on the first floor).
Transient Business License Application
Transient Business License Permit through our MGO Connect online software. (Create an account to apply for a permit.)
How many locations can I operate under a Transient Business License?
Each temporary location requires a separate license.
How many times a year can I take out a Transient Business License?
There is no limit established for the number of licenses that can be issued.
Can I move to a different location temporarily after I get a Transient Business License?
You must obtain a new license for the new location, no matter how temporary.
I want to set up my Transient business in an open area on the roadside. Is that allowed?
No. You may not operate in any public street, sidewalk, right-of-way, or other public property.
I want to set up my Transient Business in the parking lot of a closed shopping center. Is that okay?
In all cases, you must have the written consent of the property owner to operate your business on that property. A copy of this agreement must accompany your application for the license. You must demonstrate that you have adequate parking for your customers off the public right of way, and the location must be zoned for your type of business.
Transient Business License Application
Transient Business License Permit through our MGO Connect online software. (Create an account to apply for a permit.)
My business is from out-of-town, and I plan to have several sales reps working door-to-door in this area. Do I need a separate license for each of them?
If your sales reps are 18 years of age and over, each person will need a separate license. This license is obtained at the front desk of the Police Department. The person applying for the license will need a picture ID and information (tag, description, etc.) regarding the vehicle they will be driving or riding in. The fee for each individual is $10.00 and the license is good for a period of one year.
Does a charitable organization need a License to solicit contributions door-to-door?
No license is required for soliciting of this type on private property if no goods or services are being sold. To do charitable solicitations on the streets or intersections, a Charitable Solicitation permit may be applied for at the office of the Chief of Police.
Who do I call for more information about a Transient Business License?
Contact one of the Commercial Plan Reviewers in the Building Safety Department at 806-378-3041.
Who do I call for more information about a Door-to-Door permit?
Contact the front desk at the Police Department at 806-378-9452 or Building Safety at 806-378-3041.
Do I need a permit to sell precious metals?
Temporary Business involved in the purchase of precious metals or similar activity requires a Transient license, a ticket book from the Police Department, and a Texas Precious Metals Dealers Registration number.
ICC Code information faqs
What ICC codes has the City of Amarillo adopted?
Amarillo’s Current List of International Codes include:
Adopted—10/2023 Effective—1/2024
2021 Fire Code Local Amendments & Ordinance 2021 ORD #8084
2021 Building Code Local Amendments & Ordinance 2021 ORD #8082
2015 Energy Conservation Code Local Amendments & Ordinance 2015 ORD #8087
2021 Existing Building Code Local Amendments & Ordinance 2021 ORD #8089
2021 Fuel Gas Code Local Amendments & Ordinance 2021 ORD #8088
2021 ISPSC Local Amendments & Ordinance 2021 ORD #8083
2021 Mechanical Code Local Amendments & Ordinance 2021 ORD #8085
2020 National Electrical Code Amendments & Ordinance 2020 ORD #8090
2021 Plumbing Code Local Amendments & Ordinance 2021 ORD #8091
2021 Residential Code Local Amendments & Ordinance 2021 ORD #8086