Downtown Water Main Replacement

This project involves replacing and abandoning utility mains in downtown, mainly along SE 5th Ave., Arthur St., SE 9th Ave., Grant St., and nearby alleyways. The work includes installing a new 12-inch water main, regrading the sanitary sewer, and abandoning old water mains.

Anticipated Completion Date:
Contract Amount:
$ 0 2,228,885.50

Project contact information

Amarillo Utility Contractors, Inc.


City of Amarillo

Owner - Capital Projects & Development (Engineering)

Downtown Water Main Replacement FAQs

See below for the map of the Downtown Water Main Replacement Project.

Downtown Water Main Replacement Map

Property owners will receive notice from the Contractor of driveway closings and information on alternative routes prior to the start of any construction.

Closures will depend on the weather and how much uninterrupted work the contractor can complete at a time. The City will send out press releases informing the public of any road/lane closures. 

The Contractor will start construction on a water main replacement between South Fannin & Milam Streets. This replacement is located in an alley and will extend from SW 1st to SW 3rd Avenue.

The contractor will then proceed to continue with utility work downtown, beginning with the sanitary sewer regrade that is in the alley between Johnson & Grant Streets. This regrade will extend from SE 7th Avenue to SE 8th Avenue.

Residents are strongly encouraged to obey the construction signs, stay alert, maintain safe speeds through the work zone and follow traffic control that is in place. Residents are asked to stay off closed lanes until they are reopened to traffic by the contractor. Please reduce speeds in these areas to protect you, workers and others from any hazard involved with construction. 

Residents will need to provide evidence that their property has been damaged and that the damage was directly caused by the contractor, please notify the City’s Risk Management Department at 806-378-9300 or email at

Dumpster services will not be interrupted but dumpsters may be relocated temporarily to accommodate construction and pickup by Solid Waste.

Construction will be a far enough distance from event venues and/or be completed before any event can be affected. The Contractor and the City do not anticipate any disruptions to events but will be ready to coordinate as needed to minimize/prevent disruptions to future events.

There will be times where service will not be available. The Contractor will provide advanced notice to residents who will be affected when that time comes.

Northeast Sanitary Sewer Interceptor

This project will install around 13 miles of large sewer pipes to connect to the River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant. It will improve service in northeast Amarillo and allow the city to replace old, failing sewer pipes. It will also help reduce the load on the Hollywood Road Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Anticipated Completion Date:
SUMMER 2025 0
Contract Amount:
$ 0 71,266,760.15
Pipe Installed as of Jan. 2025:
0 45,533 Feet (~8.7 Miles)
Overall Project Completion:
0 73%

Project contact information

City of Amarillo

Owner - Capital Projects & Development (Engineering)

Northeast Interceptor FAQs​

See below for the map of the Northeast Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Project.

NE Interceptor Project Map

Affected property owners will receive notice from the Contractor of driveway /street closings and information on alternative routes prior to the start of any construction. Please check the Project Map to see the areas that will be affected.

The Contractor be working at various locations along the interceptor’s alignment. Sanitary Sewer lines are typically installed beginning at the deepest end and working to the highest elevation. Please check the current Project Map to see the work zone areas that are currently affected.

Residents are strongly encouraged to obey the construction signs, stay alert, maintain safe speeds through the work zone and follow traffic control that is in place. Residents are asked to stay off closed lanes until they are reopened to traffic by the contractor. Please reduce speeds in these areas to protect you, workers and others from any hazard involved with construction.