Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fertilizer Application

Environmental Impact

Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers pose potential risks to water supplies and ecosystems. Learn about their environmental impact and responsible application practices to mitigate harm.

Stormwater runoff containing pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers can enter water bodies, disrupting natural ecosystems by damaging organisms and causing bioaccumulation.

Eutrophication is the disruption of natural water ecosystems due to excess nutrients like fertilizers, leading to increased plant and microbial growth, impacting the food chain.

Improper application of these chemicals can infiltrate groundwater, potentially contaminating drinking water supplies or surface waters.

Using Fertilizers

Understanding the proper use of fertilizers is crucial to prevent overuse and maintain water quality. Learn about soil testing and responsible fertilizer application.

Overuse can lead to shallow root growth, water quality issues, and excessive plant growth, causing problems for aquatic life.

  • Lawn fertilization programs should start in early October, not early May.
  • Follow proper application guidelines to avoid adverse effects.
  • Follow provided tips.
  • Carefully apply products.
  • Avoid overspray.
  • Store chemicals properly.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) promotes balanced pest control through natural, chemical, and organic methods. Understand the principles of IPM for responsible pest management.

Integrated Pest Management advocates a balanced combination of natural, chemical, and organic controls for effective and environmentally friendly pest management.

  • Choose the least toxic pesticide that will safely control pests.
  • Read labels carefully.
  • Apply pesticides in accordance with instructions.
Mixing and Use of Pesticides and Herbicide

Proper mixing and use of pesticides and herbicides are crucial for minimizing environmental impact. Explore guidelines for safe application and disposal.

  • Always follow exact instructions for mixing and application.
  • Wear appropriate protective clothing.
  • Take precautions to prevent spills.
  • Triple rinse or pressure rinse containers in the field.
  • Dispose of empty containers responsibly, ensuring they cannot be reused.