Building Safety Department Fee Schedule
To assist residents with the permitting process, the Building Safety Department provides information on application procedures, plan reviews, permit time limits, cancellations, and the refund policy. The excerpts below from the municipal code outline these policies.
For the complete municipal code, visit Municipal Code Information for Building Codes, Development and Zoning.
Sec. 4-1-3. – Application, plan review and permit time limits, cancellations and refunds.
(a) Permit applications and plan review time limits. An application for a permit including plans submitted with an application shall be considered abandoned one hundred eighty (180) days after the submittal date if a permit has not been issued for the project described in the application. When good faith efforts are being made to bring the project to fruition and to correct any errors in the plans and application, the Building Official may grant extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding ninety (90) days each. Requests for extensions shall be in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated to the Building Official. When an application or set of plans submitted for review expires by time limitation, a new application, new plans, and new application fee shall be submitted before the application is reconsidered.
(1) | Building permit: | 180 days |
(2) | Electrical permit: | 180 days |
(3) | Heating and air conditioning permit: | 180 days |
(4) | Landscape irrigation: | 60 days |
(5) | Manufactured home installation permit: | 90 days |
(6) | Moving permit: | 60 days |
(7) | Plumbing permit: | 180 days |
(8) | Re-Roofing permit: | 180 days |
(9) | Sign permit: | 90 days |
(10) | Swimming pool: | 180 days |
(11) | Water purification or filtration systems: | 60 days |
(12) | Wrecking permit: | 60 days |
Permit time limits. Every permit issued in accordance with this Chapter shall become void unless the work authorized by the permit is commenced within the time limits stated in the table below, or if the work authorized by the permit is suspended or abandoned for the time period stated in the table below. The Building Official may grant extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding the time periods stated in the table below. Requests for extensions shall be in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated to the Building Official.
EXCEPTIONS: Under special or unusual conditions, and for any permit required under this chapter, the Building Official may at any time:
a. Require work authorized by a permit to commence within a shorter time period;
b. Specify the progress to be made under the permit within a specified time period; and
c. Require the work to be completed within a shorter time frame than shown in the table above.
For the purpose of this exception, special or unusual circumstances include but are not limited to buildings or structures: That either are, or that become damaged; that are of a temporary nature; or that are ordered by the City Council to be repaired or demolished within a certain time period.
Fee for renewing expired permits. A permit that has expired by time limitations may be renewed for an additional time period as stated above provided there have been no substantial changes in the plans or scope of work, and upon payment of a renewal fee as follows:
(1) | Not more than sixty (60) days after expiration date: | Sixty-eight dollars ($68.00) |
(2) | Sixty-one (61) to not more than one hundred eighty (180) days after expiration date: | One-half (½) original fee, but not less than sixty-eight dollars ($68.00) |
(3) | More than one hundred eighty (180) days after expiration date: | New application and at full price. |
Fee refunds. Fees collected in accordance with this Chapter may be refunded under the following conditions when requested in writing by the person who paid the fee within one hundred eighty (180) days of the collection of the fee.
1) Fee collected in error. Any fee under this Chapter that was collected in error shall be refunded.
(2) Building permit application fee. When an application for a building permit is withdrawn or canceled by the applicant before any plan review by the City has begun, then eighty (80) percent of the application fee shall be refunded. If the plan review has begun, then no refund shall be granted.
(3) Permit fees. When a permit is withdrawn or canceled by the applicant before any work has begun as authorized by that permit, then eighty (80) percent of the permit fee shall be refunded. If any work has begun in accordance with the permit, then no refund shall be granted.
(e) Suspension or revocation. The Building Official is authorized to suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this Code whenever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation of the City.
(f) Validity of permit. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any laws, ordinances, or regulations of any regulatory authority. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of such laws, ordinances, or regulations shall not be valid. The issuance of a permit based on construction documents and other data shall not prevent the Building Official from requiring the correction of errors subsequently found in the construction documents, other data, or as built conditions.
(g) Authority regarding use of structures: The Building Official is authorized to take appropriate legal action to prevent or curtail occupancy or use of a building or structure which is built or modified without the appropriate permits required by this Code, and is also authorized to require corrective measures to be made to such building or structure sufficient to comply with the intent of this Code.
Sec. 4-1-4. – Late fee; offense.
(a) When work for which a permit is required is begun prior to obtaining such permit, or otherwise receiving approval from the Building Safety Department to begin work, a late fee of two hundred eighty-nine dollars ($289.00) shall be assessed in addition to the required permit fee. A person who fails or refuses to obtain a required permit on a second or subsequent occasion within a twenty-four-month period shall pay a late fee of five hundred seventy-six dollars ($576.00) in addition to triple the required permit fee for each subsequent violation occasion.
EXCEPTION: A person who owns and occupies a single-family dwelling will not be charged the above late fee for work on their dwelling provided such owner makes an application for the required permit by the end of the next work day following notification of the requirement to obtain a permit. However, this exception does not apply to a person who fails or refuses to obtain a required permit on a second or subsequent occasion within a twenty-four-month period. Such person shall be subject to the above late fee provisions.
(b) Unless specifically excepted, it is an offense, punishable in accordance with Section 1-1-5 of this Code, to perform any construction for which a permit is required, before having obtained the appropriate permit.
Technology Fee – Applies to All Permits | $13.00 |
Electrical (Stand Alone Only) Permit | $68.00 |
Plumbing (Stand Alone Only) Permit | $68.00 |
Mechanical (Stand Alone Only) Permit | $68.00 |
Roofing Permit – Residential Roofing Permit – Commercial | $173.00 Cost x $0.0051 Minimum |
Siding/Exterior Veneer Permit *without brick ledge | $68.00 |
Window Permit *size for size | $68.00 |
Glass/Glazing Permit | $68.00 |
Insulation Permit | $68.00 |
Irrigation Permit | $111.00 |
Solar Permit | $216.00 |
Residential Swimming Pool Permits | $303.00 |
Commercial Swimming Pool Permits | $424.00 |
Manufactured Home Permit (New) | $219.00 |
Manufactured Home Permit (Used) Inspection Fee | $219.00+ $68.00 Preliminary |
Swimming Pool Permit | $303.00 |
Driveway / Sidewalk Permit | $135.00 |
House Moving Permit | $111.00 |
Wrecking/Demolition Permit | $111.00 + Lot Clearance Bond |
Provisional Permit | $398.00 + Lot Clearance Bond |
Lot Clearance Bond – Residential | $434.00 |
Lot Clearance Bond – Commercial | $543.00 |
Sign Permit (NON-Electrical) | $111.00 |
Sign Permit (Electrical) | $111.00 |
Certificate of Occupancy – (recreation of existing Certificate of Occupancy) | $50.00 |
Certificate of Occupancy –(not associated with a permit) | $147.00 |
Revision of Plans Fee | $81.00 |
Renewal Fee | $68.00 |
After Hours/Same Day Inspection (2 hour minimum, $108.00 per hour) | $216.00 |
Re-Inspection Fee | $68.00 |
Expedited Review Fee | $605.00 |
Work without a Permit Fee 1st Offense | $289.00 + permit fee amount |
Work without a Permit Fee 2nd Offense | $576.00 + 3x required permit fee |
Residential – Plan Review/Application Fee | $81.00 |
Building – New Build Permit | Sq Ft x $0.50 |
Building – Remodel/Addition | Sq Ft x $0.32 |
Commercial – Application Fee (rounded to whole dollar) | Value x 0.0014 |
Commercial – Permit Fee (rounded to whole dollar) | Value x 0.0037 |
Building – New Build Permit Application Fee Building – New Build Permit Fee | Figured according to the most recent BVD chart. |
Commercial Revision Fee (rounded to whole dollar) | Value x $0.000560 $217 Minimum |