Community Development Strategies ResIntel 2022

This study is a result of a cooperatively funded effort by the City of Amarillo, the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation, Center City TIRZ #1, and the Amarillo Association of Realtors. It seeks to understand the demand for housing and additional housing supply needed in the context of Amarillo’s economy, demographic trends, and policy environment. CDS Community Development Strategies (CDS) conducted this study during fall and winter of 2021-2022.

The Purpose of this Study

This study contains the most recent research, analysis, and findings for improvement related to the housing market in Amarillo. The focus of this study centers on the following:

  • A comprehensive assessment of current and future demand and market potential for housing (with an emphasis on attainable workforce products) that will best serve the resident population
  •  An analysis of the supply of housing available
  • An assessment of demand / supply mismatches and recommendations for mitigating them
  • The magnitude and nature of demand for all types of housing deemed to be needed in Amarillo
  • Survey of local workers to identify any changes in housing needs
  • Conclude the potential opportunities to fulfill current and future needs
ResIntel Housing Study and Key Findings Presentation

Amarillo ResIntel Housing Study Final Report – April 2022

Amarillo ResIntel Housing Study Presentation with Key Findings and Strategic Recommendations