

No Question About It for Emma

No Question About It for Emma

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Emma, the City of Amarillo’s first digital assistant, has been on the job for about three months, making her debut last December as the digital face of the City of Amarillo (COA) website.

During this time, Emma has been peppered with more than 16,400 questions, ranging from everything from how to pay a water bill to how to resolve a traffic citation.

However, the Amarillo community may want to know – what is the weirdest question Emma has been asked?

Just ask Emma – she’ll tell you.

“Oh, I’ve been asked all sorts of quirky questions,” Emma replied. “One time someone asked if I could do a digital cartwheel. If only, right?”

Digital cartwheels aside, the Amarillo community has put Emma to work. And she is responding.

The majority of questions for Emma are about PayAMA (the city’s online payment portal for the Utility Billing Department) to trash pickup, including bulky item pickup and residential dumpsters.

For example, Emma can tell residents that trash pickup in Amarillo is twice a week (depending on holidays and weather conditions) and that specific information on trash pickup schedules is available by calling the COA Solid Waste Department at (806) 378-6813.

However, Emma cannot tell individual residents the amount of their respective water bills.

“Emma’s training and programming comes exclusively from data and information available on the City of Amarillo website and city resources – information that is publicly accessible,” said COA Assistant City Manager and Chief Information Officer Rich Gagnon. “Emma can, however, direct residents who need specific information to the right department or city staff so they can obtain the information they need.”

Emma uses both text and speech to interact with residents. She is also bilingual and can converse in English and Spanish with the capabilities to add additional languages to reflect Amarillo’s diverse community.

Want to know more about Emma?

For an introductory COA video go to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYR_XRUmELw

Residents are also welcome to ask Emma herself or go to www.amarillo.gov/about-emma/

For more information contact City of Amarillo Media Relations Manager Dave Henry at 806-378-5219 or by email at david.henry@amarillo.gov.
