The City of Amarillo (COA) Solid Waste Transfer Station is temporarily closed today due to a water line rupture caused by subzero temperatures. City facilities crews are working diligently to repair the damage. Sustained low temperatures may extend repair timelines.
The Solid Waste Transfer Station is a central facility for city trash collection trucks to deposit waste for temporary storage. This process allows trucks to unload waste locally rather than traveling directly to the landfill, improving efficiency. Once deposited, the trash is later transferred to the landfill.
During this temporary closure, COA Solid Waste trucks will transport collections directly to the landfill. This will cause delays in residential trash collection due to the additional travel time.
COA recognizes the inconvenience this may cause to residents and appreciates their patience as the issue is resolved as quickly and safely as possible.
For more information contact City of Amarillo Media Relations Manager Dave Henry at (806) 378-5219 or by email at