

COA Announces Veterans Day Schedule

COA Announces Veterans Day Schedule

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AMARILLO –  In recognition of Veterans Day, the City of Amarillo (COA) will implement the following holiday service schedule:

  • City Hall will be closed Monday (Nov. 11).
  • Amarillo City Transit will operate a Saturday schedule on Monday (Nov. 11).
  • The Veterans Day schedule for Solid Waste (trash pickup):

Residential Collection: Monday routes will be serviced on Tuesday (Nov. 12) and Tuesday routes will be serviced on Wednesday (Nov. 13).

Commercial Collection: Schools will be serviced as scheduled on Monday.  All other commercial customers will be serviced on Saturday (Nov. 9) and Tuesday (Nov. 12).

Brush Sites and Curbside Collection: Brush sites will be closed, and no curbside collections will be available on Monday (Nov. 11).

Landfill: The COA landfill will be closed on Monday (Nov. 11).

  • The Amarillo Public Library System will be closed Monday (Nov. 11).
  • All city golf courses will have normal hours of operation on Monday (Nov. 11).
  • Amarillo Municipal Court will be closed Monday (Nov. 11).
